Fathers’ presence helps prevent infant deaths

Published: June 18, 2020

A recently conducted study has revealed that absence of father can lead to infant mortality.  According to www.sciencecentric.com, father’s presence when the child is still in the womb of the mother helps the infant grow better and also helps prevent infant’s death. The study has been conducted by a group of researchers at the University of South Florida. Previous studies has established that active involvement of fathers in various matters of the children during their growing up years including academics, health etc plays important role in the overall wellbeing of the kids. However, the recent study has been a step forward in the direction.

As reported by www.blog.taragana.com, absence of fathers raises the risk of premature deaths due to obstetric complications like anemia, high blood pressure, placental abruption and eclampsia etc. speaking about the findings, Amina Alio, lead researcher of the study said “Our study suggests that lack of paternal involvement during pregnancy is an important and potentially modifiable risk factor for infant mortality.” She went on to add that “A significant proportion of infant deaths could be prevented if fathers were to become more involved.” The findings were recently published in the online Journal of Community Health.

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Published June 18, 2020 by in news
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One Response to “Fathers’ presence helps prevent infant deaths”

  1. health forum

    11. Jul, 2010

    hi Friend,I thought you post Fathers’ presence helps prevent infant deaths - news … is very useful.

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