Health News

Current news from the health and wellness industry, breakthroughs and newest findings in medical research and everything about famous people and their bigger and smaller health issues.

Gonorrhoea is the most popular STD, but Get Yourself Tested can help


The CDC has stated that around 700,000 people are infected with Gonorrhoea every year in the USA and around only half of those cases are reported to the CDC which means there’s a lot of dirty genitals wandering about out there spreading their filthy gossip.

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Drunken toddlers run riot at Applebee’s, law suits and bigger trailers follow


In two different cities, just days apart, two outraged mothers have filed complaints to restaurants that inadvertently served alcoholic drinks to their youngsters. Jill Vanheest’s two-year-old got tanked up on sangria and Taylor Dill-Reese said that her 15-month-old son was given alcohol during a meal. Kids today eh?

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Cereal Killer: Is breakfast cereal really good for you?


If breakfast cereal is the healthy start to the day, packed with vitamins and other beneficial elements that keep us healthy and svelte, then how come A-listers like Gwyneth Paltrow and Madonna avoid them like they were a plague of rabid locusts intent on eating the eyeballs of their young?

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17 Day Diet is the latest weight loss fad


The latest diet to be doing the rounds is “The 17 Day Diet” created by Dr. Michael Moreno. The diet works in four different phases and Moreno claims the effects of the diet will last a lifetime. Didn’t Dr. Atkins say something like that?

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More sleep can aid weight loss


Those who get enough sleep and don’t get stressed are apparently more likely to succeed in the battle against the bulge.

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Curing ADHD: organic food is better than Ritalin


If ever there was a good reason to steer children away from processed foods, especially candy type snacks then ADHD is it. While studies have tried to connect certain food dyes, sugar, dextrose and high-fructose corn syrup with ADHD it seems that many other factors such as mineral deficiency are also to blame.

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Perigee moon (supermoon) set to dazzle starry eyed onlookers tonight


For the first time in 18 years the world will witness a Perigee moon. “What’s a Perigee moon?” you ask; well read on. Often referred to as a ‘super moon’ the perigee occurs when the moon’s orbit bring it closest to the Earth.

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Americans shouldn’t fear radiation sickness from Fukushima incident


Given the 9,000km between Japan and the west coast of America it is highly unlikely that US citizens will feel any effects of radiation from Fukushima in their lifetime, contrary to irresponsible media claims by major outlets.

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Japan radiation reaches harmful levels


Following a third blast at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan’s quake-stricken region, the government has declared that radiation levels have reach the point of being harmful to human health.

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Obesity increased nationwide by 6% since 2008 but alternative lifestyles can cure it


A recent study of obesity in the US has revealed some startling trends with the overall rate across the country increasing by 4% since a previous study in 2008. The worst culprits are West Virginia where 33.5% of adults are now clinically obese – that’s one in every three people.

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