Now, a CT scanner that reduces cancer risk
Published: August 08, 2020
New Delhi: A low radiation CT scanner that reduces the risk of cancer through its controlled radiation was launched at a city hospital Monday.
The equipment, 128-Slice CT Scanner, reduces the radiation by at least 40 percent, according to doctors at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital.
“The difficulty with conventional CT scanners has been that doctors need to enhance radiation exposure to ensure better quality image from the scanner,” said T.B.S. Buxi, chairman of the department of CT and MR imaging at the hospital.
“High radiation poses the risk of DNA damage or even cancer,” Buxi said.
According to the hospital, the scanner is the first of its kind in South East Asia region. The cost of the test is Rs.1,700.
The technique helps diagnose medical conditions through scanning of bones, internal organs, soft tissues and blood vessels by using special X-ray equipment.
The scanning produces multiple images of the body’s insides to diagnose problems such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, infectious diseases, appendicitis, trauma and multi-skeletal disorders.
“The equipment also gives clearer image in a lesser duration, that ranges in seconds,” Buxi explained.
A patient’s body mass and structure is considered for the amount of radiation that is to be released from the equipment.
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